What me! Erectile dysfunction and supplements.

None of us would ever admit it, but it’s likely if you are reading this you are affected by Erectile dysfunction in some way, lets start of by calling it ED for the purpose of this blog.
ED effects more men than we would care to imagine.
What is ED? Well in most cases its simply blood flow to the penis, the blood flows in when sexually aroused but instead of staying there under pressure it flows back out again, so losing your erection and in some cases the blood flow is so little that even getting an erection is impossible.
So, we have two cases here, getting an erection in the first place or maintaining an erection.
There are lots of sites out there with information, but even the medical sites can give conflicting statements. As mentioned earlier this affects a huge number of men. In most cases it can be psychological, shyness with a partner, or a medical issue.
There are various remedies, gizmos and supplements out there to sink a battleship, everyone has something to say including me, so just take or leave it as you wish.
Through our online store Love2night we have received the odd question here and there, in fact many questions over time. Most being “will sexual supplements work for me, I can’t have sex but I can masturbate ok by myself or I start off ok my penis gets erect but for some reason I lose it all too quickly".
Often men will add that they are embarrassed and just want a quick fix to sort it out, no intention of going to their local doctor (GP) or questioning if they even need to take a sex pill supplement, or is it right for them.
Let’s get straight to the point how do we answer these questions being a retailer of Herbal sex pills?
- Try and sell these people supplements that may or may not work simply to create a sale.
- Give out advice, console someone and say, hey it will be ok.
- Ignore the question and hope they go away.
Obviously, we have some responsibility here after all we have been involved in the industry for some years and have gained knowledge, only investing in tried and trusted products, responding to customer feedback and helping people meet the concerns.
Our response would be firstly what is your age – Age generally is a good guide many men suffer from some sort of ED as we get older 40 plus.
It is not uncommon to hear from guys in their 20s or 30s.
Are they worrying about their performance or have outside issues that may affect this, can they maintain an erection by masturbation only?
Are their medical issues?
We would generally recommend the following
Herbal sexual supplements are safe, they are a food supplement with natural ingredients that may help, in most cases they can be taken in conjunction with any psychological issue to give them that boost.
They can be taken safely even with some medical issues presnt, as an aid to regaining and maintaining a happy meaningful love life.
Give them a try what works for one may not work for another, in most cases sample packs can be purchased and with the help of love2night put that missing spark back in to your love life.
As a footnote if you have any concerns especially if you have ongoing health problems please consult your GP before you take supplements.
Thanks for reading and please visit us at our Love2night store where you can read all about product information which may help you decide whats right for you.